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Moldovan government adopted fiscal and customs measures for 2025 focused on growth, sustainability

13:54 | 08.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 8 /MOLDPRES/- The cabinet approved today a draft on the budgetary-fiscal and customs policy for 2025, which includes measures aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic, social and investment sectors. The amendments will help increase budget revenues, boost investments, create jobs, reduce tax burden for citizens and improve business environment, the government's communication department has reported.

In the tax area, interest income from state securities and bonds issued by local authorities will be exempted from tax. The amendments also simplify the tax reporting process for micro enterprises with five employees or less.

In terms of the customs sector, the draft aims to extend the validity of authorizations for special customs procedures until January 1, 2027 and to exempt goods placed under temporary admission customs procedure for technical and investment assistance until December 31, 2026. Fines will also be reduced from 40% to 2% for customs declarations or documents accompanying goods with erroneous data, if the goods have undergone full physical control and have been released.


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