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REFERENDUM-2024/ Anton Coval, head of Horești Health Center, Ialoveni: People's welfare, citizens' interests and rights to only succeed in EU

19:49 | 08.07.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

A constitutional referendum will be held in the Republic of Moldova on 20 October 2024.

Citizens will answer the question: "Do you agree with the amendment of the Constitution to Moldova's accession to the European Union?"

The results of the plebiscite serve as a basis for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

Moldovan citizens of all ages choose the European path of our country. Only in the European Union can Moldova develop economically, socially and culturally.

Asked by MOLDPRES, Anton Coval, head of Horești Health Center, Personality of the Year 2023 in health care says he is firmly convinced to say YES in the referendum on October 20 and he chooses the European path of our country.

Working a lifetime in the health sector, serving people with confidence in what is most important - health care, Coval is optimistic and confident in a better future of the Republic of Moldova.

Anton Coval: I am an optimistic man and I still believe in the future of our country. I believe that together we will succeed and we will have the results we have longed for. And I believe that these can be achieved together with the European community.

He says that the trophy he received as recognition of his outstanding achievements in the health care in Ialoveni district is not just a personal success.

Anton Coval: It's not only my success, it's the success of the whole team. I have been working in Horești since 1990, when the center was put into operation. Together with the team, we have managed to implement several renovation projects, capital repairs, renewal of equipment. For the time being, the medical institution is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that allows more complicated tests to be carried out. People are able to do all investigations at home, even more sophisticated ones. In the European family we have every chance to grow and develop, as European Moldova is first and foremost for the people! Together, as a team, everything succeeds more easily and efficiently. What we want first and foremost - the well-being of the people, the interests and rights of the citizen, will only succeed in the European Union.


Reporter - Lilia Grubii



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