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Moldovan, European officials approach cooperation

19:56 | 08.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 8 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu met today with Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, who is on a working visit to Moldova.

According to the presidential press service, the official's visit takes place on the occasion of the signing of the joint procurement agreement, which will help our country to buy medicines and medical equipment together with the EU member states. The agreement aims to provide greater security and access to life-saving products, especially in times of global shortages. Another benefit is more reasonable prices when buying medicines or medical devices.

Maia Sandu appreciated that the Republic of Moldova is part of the EU4Health Programme, under which our country has access to funding for capacity building and health workforce, as well as for facilitating access to medicines and medical services for the population.

In recent years, the European Union has provided constant support for the modernization of the health system, including the modernization of various wards in several hospitals in the country, while helping to bring the national health system in line with EU standards. The President also thanked for the support given in difficult times - during the COVID pandemic and the refugee crisis, as well as the support for the procurement of medical equipment and ambulances.




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