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European Village // New block built at Romanița kindergarten in Dubăsarii Vechi

10:09 | 09.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- Over 260 children who attend Romanița kindergarten in the village of Dubăsarii Vechi, Criuleni district will benefit from better conditions for education after a new block for the institution was built from scratch. The works were carried out under a project included in the European Village program, first edition.

The total value of the project exceeded 10.35 million lei, most of the amount (9.84 million lei) being allocated by the National Fund for Regional Development. 

The mayor of the locality, Aurel Chetrușca expressed gratitude for the financial support from the state in the implementation of this long-awaited project for the people of Dubăsarii Vechi.

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development, so far, under the National Programs European Village, European Village Express and Expansion of public nursery groups, 100 kindergartens in the country have been renovated and modernized, providing better educational conditions for about 7,300 children and better conditions for almost 2,600 employees.








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