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EU joint procurement agreement signed in Chisinau

13:44 | 09.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will have increased access to purchases of medicines and medical equipment from the European Union, after signing Moldova-EU Joint Procurement Agreement. Health Minister Ala Nemerenco and European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides signed the document.

Following the signing of the document the officials held a press conference.

The official reviewed the actions taken in recent years to modernize the health system and announced priorities for the future.

"This year there are plans to open 100 pharmacies in rural localities, a digital system for issuing prescriptions has been launched, a platform for reporting adverse effects from medicines has been launched. Dozens of oxygen machines and generators have been purchased, ATI wards have been repaired, a loan has been accessed for the construction of a regional hospital in the north of the country," the minister said.

She noted that the healthcare system needs to be improved and brought in line with European standards.

Stella Kyriakides welcomed the actions taken by the authorities and congratulated the Moldovans on the start of EU accession negotiations.

"We have common visions on improving health system standards in line with European standards. The EU Joint Procurement Agreement will become an important and useful tool and will allow Moldova to better respond to health crises. By signing this agreement Moldova will benefit from rapid and fair access to medicines and equipment. Signing this agreement is another step in the country's European path", the Commissioner said.







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