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NATO Summit // Romanian expert: I expect Alliance to come up with decisions related to Moldova

14:35 | 09.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- NATO Summit, which begins today in Washington (USA) could make important decisions for Ukraine, Romanian expert Iulian Fota says. He said that the talks on Ukraine within NATO are also taking into consideration the Republic of Moldova and in this context, NATO member states could take decisions related to our country.

Iulian Fota noted that the Washington summit agenda includes two issues of major importance. One of them concerns Ukraine. "It is a critical moment for Ukraine, NATO will continue to be on its side. When we talk about Ukraine, the world easily understood that we are also talking about the Republic of Moldova. I expect the North Atlantic Alliance here to come up with some decisions relating to the Republic of Moldova," the expert said.

The Romanian expert also said that NATO will not give an answer now on Ukraine's accession to the military bloc, although the decision had been taken earlier at NATO summit in Bucharest.

"De facto, Ukraine is a NATO country, Ukraine already has an equipped and organized army with NATO capabilities, from this point of view, the war was an important factor because Ukraine is already interoperable with NATO ," he added.

The second topic on the agenda for the Washington meeting is the North Atlantic Alliance's preparedness to face challenges, or "preparing the Alliance for war", as the expert put it. "The number one option of the Alliance and NATO member states is peace, that's why in the 75-year history of the alliance, we have no element, we have no moment of NATO aggression. If we draw a parallel with what Warsaw was like in the past, one or two intervened over the member states. On the other hand, NATO not only wants peace, it wants to be prepared for the worst, because after all, as the ancient Romans used to say, if you want peace, you have to be prepared for war," Fota said.

According to the Romanian expert, NATO will continue to strengthen its positions in the Black Sea area and the implementation of important decisions can in no way be influenced by the takeover of the NATO leadership by former Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte. The Washington summit will be the last under NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

"With this summit will be the change of leadership. I don't expect big changes because NATO is a very constant organization in its approach, very methodical and when it comes to defense, preparation for military operations for war, you always have to take a medium to long term perspective. I am convinced that the element of continuity will be there and will be the defining element. On the other hand, like any new Secretary General, you are free to come in and put certain emphases and set certain priorities. As regards the functioning of the organization, Rutte is still the Secretary General, NATO is run by the member states, his prerogatives are well specified, they are limited, I would not focus the discussion on what he will bring new because the big decisions have been taken and they will have to be implemented", said Fota.

NATO summit, which starts today in Washington, marks the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Moldova is represented at the meeting by a delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popșoi, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Several official documents will be adopted in the US capital, including the Summit Declaration and NATO-Ukraine Council Declaration.





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