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Population and Housing Census over. BNS unveils preliminary data on number of persons and dwellings

15:08 | 09.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- 2 million 448 thousand people and 1 million 655 thousand dwellings were surveyed at the Population and Housing Census, held in Moldova on 8 April - 7 July 2024. The National Statistics Bureau (BNS) unveiled the preliminary data at an event dedicated to the finalization of the census work. The first results (preliminary data) of the census are to be disseminated by late 2024, while the final detailed results, including by age group, sex, locality will be available and published by late 2025.

According to the BNS, the data on the number of persons surveyed include both persons with usual residence and persons without usual residence in the Republic of Moldova, including possible duplicates, which will be identified at the processing stage.

Government Secretary General Artur Mija said that the completion of the census is a starting point for the development of our communities. "The data will help us better design infrastructure, modernize education, improve social and health services and make decisions based on people's needs. The direct benefits of the census will be seen over time in the fair and efficient distribution of budget funds, improved policies and better planning and execution of resources. The information provided by the census will guide us in everything we do to improve citizens' lives," he said.

"The EU recognizes the important role of the census for the implementation and development of necessary policies. That is why the EU demonstrates its continued commitment to strengthening Moldova's statistical capacities. For the census, the EU has provided €2 million in support," said Jan Demidovits-Mekelainen, program officer for regional development, tourism, statistics at the EU Delegation to Chisinau.

Natalia Plugaru, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Moldova) said that the census will provide the necessary data for the authorities to understand where the greatest needs are and how peace and prosperity can be built in Moldova.

After the completion of the census phase, the BNS will conduct the post-census survey from July 15 to August 11, 2024, which aims to evaluate the census work, including estimating the coverage and data content errors. The post-census survey will be conducted on the basis of a questionnaire, which has already been in the process of public consultation.

The census takes place every ten years and is a nationwide activity that provides a full demographic picture of the country. The data will inform national and local public policies necessary for the economic and social development of the country.









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