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Interior Ministry, Intelligence Service to be able to stop access to criminal web content

17:51 | 09.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 9 /MOLDPRES/- Interior Ministry and Intelligence and Security Service could be empowered to order the termination of access to criminal web content. A draft law to this effect was examined by the national security, defense and public order commission.

The document was set by the Interior Ministry in the context of the implementation of amendments to the Law on electronic communications.

In this context, the authors propose that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Intelligence and Security Service should have the power to order the termination of access to criminal web content. This will be done in compliance with clear principles stipulated in the law.

The order to stop access to the website or to remove online content from its source can be challenged in court. The legal framework has also been complemented with criteria for terminating access to the website or removing web content from its source.

Another provision of the draft law gives the Ministry of Internal Affairs the power to order the preservation of computer data until criminal prosecution.

The draft amendment to the law on preventing and combating cybercrime is to be discussed in the plenary session of the Parliament.


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