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Moldovan president meets residents of Marculesti, Izvoare villages

12:12 | 10.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 10 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu discussed on Tuesday with residents of the villages of Marculesti and Izvoare, Floresti district, about the development of the communities, the presidential press service has reported.

"In the village of Marculești, Florești, people are confident about the European future of our country and our power to modernize Moldova. A fully gasified locality, with access to water for all households, where all streets are lighted and there is a garbage collection system - first of all, it shows what it means when hardworking, involved people contribute to the development of the community", Maia Sandu said.

The head of state noted that the government offers support programs - recalling the European Village program through which the roof of the kindergarten was repaired last year. "However, the results and the transformation for the better of a locality are achieved through cooperation between residents, local authorities and central authorities," Maia Sandu emphasized.

The official noted that every locality has its riches, and Izvoare people are proud of the clear water from the famous springs in the area and of the valuable people here, as Irina Rimes.

"Our goal is to improve living conditions in villages, and the European Village program follows this goal - in Izvoare village more than five million lei have been allocated for the renovation of the gymnasium," Maia Sandu added.











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