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Moldovan head of state in talks with defense minister

20:16 | 10.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 10 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu had a discussion with Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatii today, pointing out the importance of the authorities' efforts to maintain peace at home and increase the resilience of institutions in the context of the war in the neighboring country, the presidential press service has reported.

"The Republic of Moldova is a neutral state, this is enshrined in the Constitution and all our actions in the defense sector comply with the principle of neutrality. As we are a neutral state, we must be able to protect peace and security at home. Entrepreneurs, investors, and all our citizens must feel safe in Moldova. Therefore, we have an obligation to build a modern, well-equipped national army of which citizens can be proud," the head of state said.

The President praised the National Army efforts to enhance its defense capabilities and contribution to regional peace and security, underlining that our military demonstrate professionalism and a high level of training, and are appreciated in the peacekeeping operations they take part in. 

"The Republic of Moldova is a peaceful country that threatens no one. We want to have partners that respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity and help us become a strong state. Our objective as a country - accession to the European Union - is based on the guarantee of peace, where countries have been living in good understanding for over 70 years," the head of state said.


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