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PHOTO // EU provides 40 cars, 100 body cameras for IGP

15:58 | 11.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) received 40 vehicles and 100 body cameras from the European Union today. The donation was provided under EU-funded project implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Moldova.

The donation worth 660 thousand euros is aimed at strengthening police capacities to respond promptly in emergency situations and to protect the rights of people in local communities. The cars will be deployed throughout the country to strengthen the IGP's capacity to respond in a timely manner to any emergency situation. Body-worn video cameras will also enhance police accountability and contribute to more transparent interactions.

The handover ceremony took place at the IGP in Chisinau and was attended by European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, Minister of Interior Adrian Efros and IOM Moldova Head of Programs Damien Fresnel.

"This generous EU support is designed to respond to the pressing needs expressed by national authorities in the context of emergencies - the refugee crisis, border security, solidarity lines and the energy crisis. It will further strengthen national capacities in line with the EU acquis and increase citizens' confidence through the development of community policing. Today's donation reflects the joint EU-Moldova commitments to enhance the protection of the most vulnerable, be they Moldovans or refugees, and to provide Moldovan policemen and policewomen with the best conditions to carry out their work in a demanding and changing environment. We are convinced that today's assistance will contribute to the further development of a modern, accountable and digital police, which enforces the law and is closer to its citizens", said Olivér Várhelyi.

Adrian Efros thanked the partners for the support. The official emphasized that the donation will enhance the mobility of police officers and increase safety in society.

"The Republic of Moldova has been a particularly welcoming and responsive host to the enormous humanitarian needs in February 2022. As the war enters a protracted phase, the scale of humanitarian needs remains huge. Intensified border management measures, with continued generous financial support from the European Union will enable the provision of assistance and protection to conflict-affected people crossing borders," said Damien Fresnel.

IGP head Viorel Cernăuțeanu said that the vehicles will be distributed in localities adjacent to the border. "We need to demonstrate the quality of work processes, as the safety of citizens is paramount. Thanks to the partners for their support", he said.

The donation was made under the EU-funded €15 million project Supporting protection, transit, voluntary and informed return and reintegration of Eastern Partnership and third-country nationals affected by the conflict in Ukraine as part of joint EU and IOM efforts to support the Ministry of Interior and its specialized agencies in ensuring pathways for legal migration and border security, as well as in protecting the rights of refugees during their prolonged stay in Moldova due to the large-scale war on the territory of Ukraine.

In Europe, Moldova is among the countries receiving the largest number of refugees who have left Ukraine because of the war. More than 1.1 million people from Ukraine have entered Moldova as of February 24, 2022, of which about 120,000 are still living in the country.










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