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REFERENDUM 2024 // Tatiana Cojocaru, USM graduate

15:27 | 11.07.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

A constitutional referendum will be held in the Republic of Moldova on 20 October 2024.

Citizens will answer the question: "Do you agree with the amendment of the Constitution to Moldova's accession to the European Union?"

The results of the plebiscite serve as a basis for amending the Moldovan Constitution.

Tatiana Cojocaru, a graduate of Moldova State University (USM), who graduated with highest grade from the Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences, Sociology and Social Assistance believes that Moldova's integration into the European Union is beneficial for our society, as it is something we have been waiting for for many years.

Tatiana Cojocaru: For as long as I can remember I have been hearing about how good it is in Europe. In the meantime I have also seen how many Moldovans have improved their material condition by being in Europe. That is why the topic of Moldova's integration into the European area is a very good opportunity to analyze what our society really wants - is it just dissatisfied with the present or is it analyzing and acting visionarily for the benefit of the country and society? The unhappy man is unhappy under any circumstances. From the bottom of my heart I wish our people to be happy and fulfilled, in a safe and functional environment for all of us, especially for children, like the European Union.

Tatiana is optimistic about Moldova's chances of joining the European Union. At the same time, she believes that it is the duty of every citizen of Moldova to make a choice by participating in the plebiscite.

Tatiana Cojocaru: Concrete and sure steps are being taken, supported by the EU, which are for the benefit of the community, which I think is paramount in this case. If we work to develop a functioning community and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the EU, I want to believe that people will be happier. I don't want to say it will be better, because it is already better. Wages are up, jobs are there, training is on offer, access to information is there and people eager to know and to change - there are still people. Moldova really is flourishing beautifully and maybe even more than that.


Reporter- Lilia Grubîi


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