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Moldovan Prime Minister at IMF and World Bank Constituency meeting

16:16 | 11.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- Government is continuously working to move forward on the European path, to grow the economy, to raise people's living standards so that they change their perceptions and have more confidence in state institutions. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Constituency meeting in Chisinau on July 10-12, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The prime minister emphasized that given the volatile regional situation, the authorities are motivated to work even harder on policies that will contribute to economic growth. "Of course, it is difficult because there is a dissonance between what is in reality and people's perception. Through our policies, we have to solve the problems faced by Moldovan citizens and increase their trust in state institutions," Dorin Recean said.

He noted the latest developments in the European integration process: "This is a very good political sign and we are working to ensure that all efforts to transform the Republic of Moldova will be long-lasting and not reversible".

The official appreciated the holding of the event in Chisinau, which brings together about 120 representatives of central banks and finance ministries of the member countries of the IMF and the World Bank. The Prime Minister noted that international financial institutions have a key role in promoting multilateral cooperation and globalization, which is the most appropriate approach to facilitate the country's economic advancement.

At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister pointed out that the Republic of Moldova wants to actively participate in the reconstruction process of Ukraine and urged international partners to support the neighboring country even more actively.

The event was attended by President Maia Sandu, as well as senior officials from the two international organizations - Kenji Okamura, IMF Deputy Managing Director and Antonella Bassani, Vice President for Europe and Central Asia of the World Bank. The main topics discussed were ways to achieve vigorous economic growth and mobilize capital in an uncertain environment, as well as opportunities for innovation.

The Republic of Moldova has been a member of Belgian-led and Kingdom of the Netherlands-led Constituency since August 12, 2012 along with Andorra, Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Romania and Ukraine.






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