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Moldovan president meets teachers going to Romania for Romanian language, literature and civilization courses

18:56 | 11.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu has welcomed 53 teachers of Romanian language and other school subjects from Gagauzia, Dubasari, Taraclia, Cahul, Balti, who will go to Romania for the Romanian language, literature and civilization courses, the presidential press service has reported.

"This is how the Romanian language builds bridges between communities and countries and I am convinced that this social bond will increase national cohesion and unite people," Maia Sandu said. The teachers will study at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and will have the opportunity to discover Iasi.

The President expressed gratitude to the Romanian Government for supporting the organization of this summer school. The official noted that the Chisinau Government, through the national program for study of Romanian language, also offered free courses for 6,550 people in 2023.








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