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Cereals from Ukraine not to be subject to ANSA control

20:10 | 11.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- Lawmakers approved today a draft law on exemption from the National Agency for Food Safety control of cereals originating from Ukraine, which are transported in transit through Moldova.

The document sees the establishment of a derogation from the Law on Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Quarantine, whereby cereals originating from Ukraine and transported through the state border crossing points Giurgiulesti - Reni and Giurgiulesti - Galati, as well as transported by rail, for which the placement under transit regime is requested, will not be subject to ANSA control. This derogation will apply until September 14, 2024.

Given that this type of goods transit the territory of our country in specialized means of transport, the risk of quarantine organisms is low. In the event of an accident involving transportation and cargo in transit through the territory of the Republic of Moldova, carriers are obliged to notify the ANSA within two hours.


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