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Murder in Riscani sector in MPs' spotlight

15:10 | 15.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- Parliamentary committee on national security, defense and public order today heard the heads of several state institutions on the circumstances of the murder of the Turkish citizen on July 10. At the end of the hearings, which were held behind closed doors, the chairman of the relevant committee, Lilian Carp, said that the file on the Turkish citizen was delayed, even though SIS had previously informed the General Inspectorate for Migration that the person was reported to be wanted internationally.

The Turkish citizen, who was murdered in Chisinau, is believed to have arrived in our country in May 2020, on the Transnistrian segment. Subsequently, the relevant authorities were informed that he was wanted internationally through Interpol channels. After a while the Turkish citizen was detained and remanded in custody from where he also applied for asylum in the Republic of Moldova.

After the asylum application, SIS issued an unfavorable notification in the Turkish citizen's case, but the process was delayed several times. As a result of the delay by the institutions involved and lawyers, the citizen was detained for more than 560 days, exceeding the legal limit of 180 days.

Lilian Carp, PAS MP, chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Public Order, said that legislative amendments will soon be proposed to avoid such cases. 

A 41-year-old Turkish citizen was shot seven times on July 10, while he was sitting on a terrace in Riscani district of the capital.


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