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METEO // Fire danger warning extended until July 22

18:17 | 15.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- The State Hydrometeorological Service announced today about the extension of the fire danger alert, valid throughout the country.

According to meteorologists, during July 16-22, the exceptional fire danger (class V) will be maintained in the areas.

The press officer of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Liliana Pușcașu, said that given the warning, the population is urged to avoid the use of open fire near dwellings and feed stores, on land covered with dry vegetation, especially when they are located near forests, plantations or objectives with high fire risk.

The heatwave remains in force until July 17. Experts are urging people to avoid being in the sun and recommending employers to provide employees and clients with water.

"Hot weather can cause serious health problems. Doctors recommend during this period not to expose to the sun in the midday hours, to drink as much fluids as possible, especially water. Avoid alcoholic drinks and coffee. The diet should be mainly fruit and vegetables", the experts say.



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