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Budgetary, fiscal and customs policy for 2025 submitted to public consultation

17:52 | 16.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 16 /MOLDPRES/- The draft law on the budgetary-fiscal and customs policy for 2025 was submitted for public consultations today. The debates took place on the platform of the parliamentary commission for economy, budget and finance.

Commission Chairman Radu Marian noted that the draft submitted for public consultations was approved in the first reading at the plenary session on July 11. "The document contains several measures for the benefit of individuals and the business environment, and during today's meeting we intend to see what are the objections, as well as the proposals for improvement of the draft," Marian emphasized.

The document contains amendments to several normative acts in order to adjust the fiscal-budgetary legislation to the evolution of economic and social processes in the context of Moldova's European integration process. The provisions include a 10% increase in personal exemptions and exemptions for dependants; broadening the range of tax-exempt income; simplifying the tax reporting process for micro enterprises with five employees or less. 

The participants in the hearings came up with proposals to adjust some provisions of the fiscal and customs policy, in part related to tax controls, standardization of VAT rates, transfer pricing, income declarations of peasant household owners. The proposals will be examined by the specialized parliamentary committee and representatives of the Ministry of Finance.


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