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Around 50 schools to be upgraded, individual heating points to be installed in 250 blocks of flats

18:04 | 17.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/- More than 50 million euros will be invested in projects for energy rehabilitation of 50 schools and equipping 250 blocks with horizontal distribution systems for heating. The money will be provided by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the loan agreement will be signed by Energy Minister Victor Parlicov. The decision was taken today by the government.

According to the agreement, 35 million dollars will be invested in energy efficiency projects in educational buildings. Thus, work will be done to ensure energy efficiency - thermal insulation of walls and roof, replacement of windows and doors, renovation of the interior heating system and making the interior lighting system more efficient, as well as the installation of heat pumps, solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels on the existing roofs of schools. In total, 46 schools across the country will be energy renovated and more than 46 thousand young people, teachers and employees of educational institutions will benefit from increased comfort.

Another component of the project provides funding for measures to improve the energy efficiency of the heating supply system of public buildings including 11 schools. Thus, about 250 individual thermal points (ITPs) will be installed in the buildings and the heat supply network of the centralized system will be reconfigured. The project also includes the implementation of emergency response measures.

The project will be implemented from 2024 to 2029 with a total budget of USD 54.5 million, of which USD 50 million is to be provided by the IBRD in the form of a loan and USD 4.5 million in the form of a grant for technical assistance and support for project implementation, to be provided by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund Moldova Growth, Resilience and Opportunities for Well-being (M-GROW).


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