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Moldovan State Administration of Roads says seven national roads affected by strong wind, heavy rains from 17 July

11:46 | 18.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - Seven national public roads from the districts of Dubasari, Criuleni, Glodeni and Donduseni were hit by the strong wind and heavy rains from 17 July. Roadmen intervened to clean the roads.     

According to the State Administration of Roads (ASD), workers carried out works of cleaning and profiling the roadway affected by the accumulation of water and mud. At the same time, they evacuated 25 trees which fell on footway or the roadway.    

Meteorologists issued a yellow code of atmospheric instability for 17 July. Short thunderstorm rains, as well as gustings of the wind up to 15-20 metres/second were recorded on this period.   





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