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GOVERNMENT EDIFIES: Ialoveni town of Moldova has new leisure area

14:17 | 18.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - Constructed from the scratch on a swampy ground, on which only reed was earlier growing, the leisure area from the Ialoveni town, central Moldova, on 17 July received its first guests at the official opening. The new Open-Air Theatre from Ialoveni is an outstanding achievement, meant to improve the residents’ living standards.    

The project on urban revival, implemented by the Centru Regional Development Agency (ADR Centru) and financially backed by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, was finished with a budget of 11.7 million lei (585,000 euros), including also a contribution of the beneficiary. The construction works started in the spring of the 2023 year and lasted 14 months.  

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the ADR Centru director Ion Pinzari said that everybody was witness of an important moment for the community and for the entire Ialoveni district.  

Ion Pînzari: We inaugurated the Open-Air Theatre, a symbol of urban revival and of our commitment to improve the living standards of the residents from this region.    

According to the head of ADR Centru, the construction of the leisure area from Ialoveni was an ambitious initiative, which succeeded due to the cooperation with the local public authorities and with all those who got involved, in order to bring this project to life.  

Ion Pînzari: The new Open-Air Theatre is not a mere infrastructure. It is a space where the culture and nature meet, where cultural events will enrich the lives of the people from the region and visitors will find an oasis or relaxation and recreation. Besides, we ensured the easy access to the park through the construction of the access ways and park places needed.     

Attending the event in Ialoveni was also Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu. The speaker encouraged the residents to preserve this oasis of nature and voiced hope that the park would become a tourist attraction in the region.    

Igor Grosu: This park was built from the scratch on a ground which was dumps one year ago. With the help of volunteers, native residents and with the contribution of the Centru Regional Development Agency, as well as of development partners, a new relaxation area was arranged, of which the Ialoveni residents can be proud. Now, the duty to the local residents is to preserve this oasis of nature and to organize as many as possible cultural events, so that, during time, this park becomes a new tourist attraction in the region. Through such projects, we edify the European Moldova at home, where the people feel well in their settlements.       

Presently, the Ialoveni town is a modern community, with well-developed infrastructure, with a diversified economy, having a strong economic and cultural potential. Placed in the immediate neighbourhood of the country’s capital, Chisinau, it gives the local economic agents and from abroad possibility to carry out different activities, to invest in constructions, commercial units, industry, development of infrastructure, culture, etc.     

Correspondent: Lilia Grubii

Photo: Andrei Mardari


















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