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Perinatal centre from Causeni city of Moldova renovated, endowed with modern equipment

19:48 | 18.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - The perinatal centre of the Anna and Alexandru  Causeni district hospital has been renovated and endowed with advanced medical equipment.   

The centre now has two rooms, an operation room, a room for waking up from anaesthesia and another one for neonatal resuscitation, endowed with last generation medical equipment, furniture and consumables.   

Also, the perinatal centre received an A-type ambulance, which provides the quick transfer of women with risk of complications and premature birth to perinatal centres of the higher level.

At the same time, the blood transfusion section and the Unit for the assistance provided to the survivors of gender violence cases of the Emergency Receptions Unit of the Causeni district hospital were repaired and provided with medical equipment.      

The investments in the modernization of the perinatal centre, of the aforementioned section and unit were possible due to support on behalf of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), based on the financial assistance provided by the government of Sweden and amounted to about seven million lei.   






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