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Moldovan capital hosts international conference on next steps in process of accession to EU

11:16 | 19.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - Over 200 specialists from diverse spheres dealing with the European integration – from public institutions and civil society – have brought together at an international conference titled, Next steps in process of accession to EU. The event is organized by the Bureau for European Integration (BIE), the BIE press service reported.     

During two days, along with experts from Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, the participants will discuss the experience of the states from the Western Balkans which have already started the process of negotiations, as well as the next steps Moldova is to make on its European integration way.   

„We are anchored on a firm road to the European Union. We must make sure that all state’s institutions, including the civil society, the business environment and the academic one – are part of this process of transformation of our society, through which we bring the European values and standards home. We everybody want a stronger and more resilient European Moldova, anchored in a European family, where the peace and prosperity are on the forefront, prepared to cope with the present and future challenges,’’ Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov said at the opening of the conference.      

The deputy head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau, Erika Hasznos, appreciated the efforts made by the authorities at present: ‘’We are now at the second phase of enlargement. The bilateral screening needs much attention and I am confident that Moldova will become stronger following this process, as well as more prepared for accession. The European Union has been prepared to support Moldova on its way to EU.’’    

Attending the event, online, was also Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna. ‘’We have an ambitious European agenda. Both Ukraine and Moldova are ever close to EU. The EU’s enlargement is an extremely important window and we must make sure that we benefit from this opportunity as much as possible,’’ the Ukrainian official said.    

The international conference titled, Next steps in process of accession to EU, is organized with the support of the EU’s Project, Support for the structured political dialogue, coordination of the enforcement of the Association Agreement and consolidation of the process of adjusting the legislation for Moldova.     







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