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Former employee of Moldova's Intelligence and Security Service sued at law for illegal collection of salary from Public Services Agency

12:23 | 19.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - A former employee of the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) will be tried for the illegal collection of the salary from the Public Services Agency (ASP). The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) finished the prosecution and sent to court the criminal file on the committing of the abuse of office.     

The file was opened by PA in June 2023, based on a notification submitted by the ASP director.

According to the evidence produced, in October 2019, the former SIS employee was detached to ASP as deputy head of the Security Department. In December 2020, he was appointed deputy head of the SIS Internal Security Department and recalled to SIS.

On 30 December 2020, SIS sent a letter to ASP, in order to inform about the officer’s recalling. The letter was registered at the ASP chancellery as late as on 4 January 2021. Although the officer was obliged to submit the application on resignation from the detached office immediately after the recalling, he continued to receive the salary from ASP, thus causing damages worth over 330,000 lei to the public institution.   

The defendant did not recognize his guilt and the criminal file was sent to the Chisinau Court, Buiucani headquarters, for consideration on the merits.  

If found guilty, the man runs the risk to be punished with a payment of fine worth from 57,500 to 92,500 lei or imprisonment for up to six years, in both cases with the deprivation of the right to hold certain offices or to exercise a certain activity for a period from 2 to 5 years.   

Distraint was levied on a half of the share of the real estate which belongs to the defendant in joint property, in order to guarantee the fulfillment of the punishment of the fine and recover the damage inflicted.   




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