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Moldovan president says welcomes Dublin officials' decision to open Ireland's Embassy in Chisinau

16:25 | 19.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu, on a visit to Dublin, has had a meeting with President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris. The sides discussed the ever closer relations between Moldova and Ireland, the Moldovans’ community, which contributes to the economies of both countries and the firm steps Moldova is making towards the capacity of member of the European Union, the presidential press service reported.       

„In the last years, we have managed to boost our relations with Ireland. I welcomed the Dublin authorities’ decision to open the Irish Embassy in Chisinau, which will get us even closer and will contribute to the development of our economic relations. Ireland hosts, with much goodwill, one of the biggest communities of Moldovans. We tackled the issue on the recognition of the driver’s licences – an important subject for our Diaspora and we agreed on advancing in this respect with the support of the Irish authorities,’’ President Maia Sandu said.        

Also, the Moldovan president noted that Ireland was a state with a historical process of emigration and had a big and strong Diaspora, which proudly promotes the Irish culture in the world. The communities of Irish people from outside the country played an extraordinary role in the development’s Ireland’s economy. ‘’In this respect, as well as in the one of the economic transformation through which a country goes with the integration into the European Union, Ireland is an example worth being followed by our country,’’ the head of state added.    







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