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Moldovan government's leadership meets young people carrying out paid probations in public authorities

10:57 | 20.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 20 July /MOLDPRES/ - The participants in the second edition of the programme of paid probations in public service on 19 July discussed with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Government’s Secretary General Artur Mija and the government’s state secretary, Ana Calinici. The young people put more questions on the public policies, perspectives of career and the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union, the government’s communication department has reported.       

PM Dorin Recean emphasized the importance of young people’s involvement in the modernization of the public service and Moldova’s development. He appreciated their determination to bring positive changes. At the same time, the prime minister highlighted the opportunities the young people working in the public service had.   

„Only through joint effort, we can build resilient institutions, a fair justice and a strong economy, in essence – a better living for all people of this country. You represent the future of our country and I am confident that we will edify a European Moldova together,’’ the prime minister also said.     

In all, 111 young participate in the programmes of probations implemented by the government and the European Union’s Delegation in Chisinau. They work at the President’s Apparatus, Parliament’s Secretariat, State Chancellery, ministries and other public authorities.    







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