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Vegetation fire destroys 15 hectares of dry grass in Chisinau

13:22 | 20.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 20 July /MOLDPRES/ - A dry vegetation fire broke out in the Moldovan capital on 19 July. The flames destroyed 15 hectares of dry grass.   

According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the call was received at 17:11.  

„A large area of dry vegetation was overwhelmed by flames in the Chisinau municipality, Uzinelor Street 249/1. Seven intervention teams were sent on the spot. The fire was fully extinguished at 21:33. Nobody was affected in the wake of the fire, which destroyed 15 hectares of dry grass,’’ IGSU specified.   

In the last 24 hours, rescuers and firemen intervened in 45 situation of extinguishing fire hotbeds. In the context, IGSU urges the residents to be prudent and strictly observe the anti-fire rules, especially during hot weather, in order to avoid the breaking out of forest and dry vegetation fires.   

Thus, citizens are urged not to set fire to dry vegetation, not to throw cigarette butts, matches or other burning objects on areas nearby forests. During leisure in forest areas, people are urged by rescuers to extinguish the stakes and charcoals when leaving, as well as not to leave open fire sources unsupervised. At the same time, adults are urged to pay maximal attention to children and not let them play with the fire, in order to avoid fires.  

People are asked to call the 112 service in risky situations.



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