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State medical university of Moldova becomes member of European Academy of Optometry and Optics

15:44 | 21.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) has become educational member of the European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO). The action represents recognition of the quality of syllabi in the optometry sector, provided by the education institution and highlights the commitment and effort of USMF to achieve excellence in education and the professional training of specialists in optometry.      

The head of the USMF’s department of ophthalmology and optometry, Lilia Dumbraveanu, described this achievement as remarkable. She said that ‘’this fact consolidates the institution’s position internationally and proves that the university is leader in the training of highly qualified medical staff.’’   

The capacity of member of this platform provides more benefits for the students of the degree syllabus Optometry and the one of master of clinic Optometry. Thus, they will have free of charge access to valuable resources for the improvement of the knowledge and skills in the optometry and optics field. The educational platform is continuously developing and provides updated and relevant information, the most recent innovations and practices in the field.   

Besides the educational sources, forums of discussions will be initiated for different interest groups. They provide a platform for learning, networking and involvement relevant discussions for the optometry and optics sector.     

Thus, students will be able to participate in international conferences, seminars and workshops, being able to interact and study from world famous exports in the field of optometry and optics. Starting the moment of getting the status of EAOO member, the capacity of member for students is free of charge and the applications for accession for the 2024 year are open. ‘’This is an excellent opportunity for our students to access the new EAOO educational platform, available exclusively for the members of the academy. Together, we continue raising the standards of education and to train generations of professionals in optometry,’’ Lilia Dumbraveanu said.       

Under the aspect of professional development, the EAOO members benefit from opportunities of courses of advanced training and programmes of certification, which will help them become good professionals in the field.

USMF graduates from these programmes can also become members of the European Academy of Optometry and Optics, against payment. The registration link is    




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