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Moldovan capital's leadership instructs verification of streets, parks, yards after two children electrocuted

13:01 | 22.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - The leadership of the Moldovan capital has instructed the verification of the streets, parks and yards, after a small girl died and a boy was hospitalized after being electrocuted in a park from Chisinau. The Chisinau general mayor, Ion Ceban, made statements to this effect at a weekly meeting of the municipal services.     

„Presently, the law-enforcement bodies carry out the investigation, in order to establish the reasons for the incident. I ask to let the inquiry and law-enforcers do their job. Meanwhile, an instruction was immediately given to make the inventorying and verify all streets, parks and yards. At the same time, competent people intervene and continue to intervene at all addresses with certain non-conformities, conveyed by capital’s residents,’’ Ion Ceban noted.     

On 18 July, an 11-year-old girl died and a six-year-old boy was put in hospital, after they had been electrocuted while playing in a park at the intersection of the Sarmisegetusa and Cuza Voda streets in the Botanica district of Chisinau.    

Preliminarily, the two children were playing and all of a sudden, they touched electricity wires and a short circuit occurred. The children were immediately carried by ambulance to hospital; yet, the girl died.      

A criminal file was opened on this case, within which all circumstances are to be set.



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