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Over 2,500 candidates submit online files on admission to universities in several hours after contest's launch in Moldova

14:35 | 22.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - Over 2,500 candidates have submitted their files online on the admission to higher degree education through the website The Education and Research Ministry (MEC) unveiled data to this effect.     

At the same time, MEC noted that technical problems in the use of the website by those willing to submit files on participation in the contest had been detected. The Education and Research Ministry gave assurances that it was remedying all deficiencies emerged, which will be soon settled by the IT company.

„This year, we have a new way of submitting the files online. Today is the first day; respectively, we have technical problems which we should arrange. I think that we will settle all of them during the day. We will endeavor today, tomorrow morning to remedy the things where there are certain elements,’’ Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun said.   

All those who have questions and difficulties as regards the submission of files online for the admission contest can call the Call Centre at the prone number 0 8000 5005. It works on the period 22 July – 2 August and on 9-17 August, in the time interval 8:00-18:00.  

The higher education institutions of Moldova launched the admission process today. The files can be submitted, for the first time ever, online, to the website The candidates can study at one of those 16 higher education institutions of Moldova, which provide over 200 specialties and syllabi.  

The acts for degree studies can be submitted in two shifts: 22-31 July (basic session) and 10-14 August (additional session).


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