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Only opinion polls authorized by Moldova's Central Electoral Commission can be published on electoral period

14:50 | 22.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - The legal entities of investigation/polling and the competent public associations can conduct opinion polls on the political preferences of voters and exit-polls, only if they got an authorization on behalf of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC).    

Thus, the applications asking for the authorization of the public opinion polls are to be submitted to CEC will 10 October 2024 and the ones for the authorization of exit-polls – till 13 October 2024.  

On the day of elections, 20 October 2024, till 21:00, the publication of the results of any opinion polls on voters’ political preferences is banned. After 21;00, only the findings of the exit-polls, after-polls and the ones of the opinion polls on the political preferences of voters which were presented to the public till the day of the election can be made public.   

The opinion polls authorized by CEC will be placed on the official webpage of the Commission –, at the sections Presidential Elections and Republican Constitutional Referendum.   



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