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Almost 16,000 people call ambulance in Moldova in last week

17:38 | 22.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - Emergency medical assistance teams last week provided the first medical assistance to over 15,800 people. Following the providing of assistance at the pre-hospital stage, 6,537 people, of whom 5,169 adults and 1,378 children, were carried to hospital.    

According to the Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Assistance National Centre (CNAMUP), during the week before, physicians were called for the following pathologies: 2,762 cardiovascular emergencies, of which 58 with acute coronary syndrome; followed by 2,259 neurological emergencies, of which 228 cerebral vascular accidents; 2,238 respiratory emergencies and 1,587 injuries.  

In the last week, emergency medical assistance teams intervened for 156 patients with emergencies triggered by physical, chemical and environmental agents, of which 70 cases – bites of animals/stings by insects, 45 combustions and 38 sunstrokes.

Following the providing of the pre-hospital emergency medical assistance, 27 patients with sunstrokes, of whom five children, were carried to hospital, in order to continue the treatment.    



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