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Energocom company to continue delivering natural to Moldovagaz in August too

21:12 | 22.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom stock company will continue delivering natural gas to the Moldovagaz company in next August as well. The price will be established on the last day of July.     

According to the contractual conditions, in next month, about 175.5 thousand MWh (or 16.5 million cubic metres) of natural gas is to be sold to the Moldovagaz stock company, based on a formula which includes the TTF Front Month index.  

The transaction took place on 19 July, on the electronic platform managed by BRM East Energy Ltd, won by the Energocom stock company the fourth month in a row.    

„Given that the price formula includes the TTF Front Month exchange index, the exact price for next August will be set on the last day of July,’’ Energocom informed.   

Starting from May this year, the tenders for the procurement of natural gas are carried out on the BRM East Energy platform.   

For July, the purchasing price for natural gas from Energocom was of 366.64 euros per 1,000 cubic metres, for June - 349.79 euros and for May – 331.22 euros.



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