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Moldovan Public Services Agency says accessing of data on people's temporary residence to be made through MConnect platform

14:09 | 23.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Public Services Agency (ASP) today warned the public authorities, legal entities of private law and the private people who provide a service of public interest to adjust their operational processes and information systems for consuming data on the temporary residence of the holder in electronic format through the MConnect interoperability platform. The latter is developed by Moldova’s government, in order to ensure the exchange of data between information systems.     

The accessing of information on the home address and the temporary residence address of the holders of identity cards, residence cards, identity papers and stay permits will be carried out through the MConnect interoperability platform. At a request by consumers, the access to the concerned data from the state Register of population is provided by the Electronic Governance Agency (AGE).  

„To initiate a flow of exchange of data and ensure the direct access to a certain set of data, the participants in the exchange of data (potential consumer) should sent to AGE an Application on connection to the MConnect interoperability platform, which is the effective launcher of the connection procedure. The request of exchange of data is a typified one. The connection procedure can be consulted on the page of the MConnect platform,’’ ASP said.   

The announcement is made in the context that, during 2025-2026, new models of identity papers are to be put into circulation in Moldova – the identity card starting from 1 April 2025 and the residence card as of 1 January 2026, which will not contain the written information on the residence and/or temporary residence of the holder. The exclusion of this data is for the benefit of the citizens and will exempt them from the need to change the identity acts when changing their residence.

The ID supplementary sheet for all types of identity cards and all types of permits of stay valid, which are in circulation, will be regarded as null, for reasons that the information on the new home address/temporary residence will be updated at the providing of the concerned service only in the state Register of the population and the endorsement on the earlier issued ID supplementary sheets will not be applied.  



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