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Romanian PM says winter is nearing, immediate action needed for supporting Moldova

13:15 | 23.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The winter is nearing, the war in Ukraine is going on and immediate action is needed to support Moldova. Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu today made statements to this effect at the business forum organized on the occasion of the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation (P-TECC).  

„We need to diversify the energy source and the production means. Now, more than ever, it is necessary that we are pragmatic and in solidarity. As we know well, the war in Ukraine is going on and immediate action is needed, in order to support Moldova, Ukraine and all countries of the region with vulnerabilities,’’ the Romanian PM said.  

The official also said that Romania improved the capacities of interconnection with all countries around. ‘’The Trans-Balkan Corridor and the Vertical Corridor, on which we work with partners from Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece, are vital projects for the region in the gas sector. Along with Turkey and Azerbaijan, we opened a new huge potential of cooperation both as regards gas and energy. And through the Green Corridor, we coopted new states, such as Georgia and Hungary, for this unprecedented regional effort,’’ the prime minister of Romania said.     

At the same time, the Bucharest official pointed out that the authorities ‘’invest billions of euros in new capacities of getting energy from renewable sources and aim to double the nuclear capacity of Romania.’’ ‘’These are the biggest investments in history in all means of energy production. We want to modernize the energy sector and make it more resistant to regional and global shocks,’’ Marcel Ciolacu said.    

The fifth meeting of the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation started in Bucharest today. The event brings together leaders from the public and private sector of Europe and the USA, who will discuss measures of consolidating the regional energy security and the strategies of backing the reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy sector.   

Attending the event is also Moldova’s Energy Minister Victor Parlicov. The officials will refer to challenges and steps necessary to be undertaken, in order to speed up the process of diversification of energy resources. Also, Minister Parlicov will discuss opportunities of American firms to enter Moldova’s energy market with United States’ Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Marissa Lago. At a meeting with the executive director of the International Energy Agency (IAE), Mary Burce Warlick, the Moldovan official will tackle possibilities of boosting the cooperation for a more diversified, cleaner and more sustainable energy future.       





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