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Moldovan central electoral commission authorize carrying out of two opinion polls on voters' political preferences

18:06 | 23.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has authorized the conducting and publication of opinion polls on the electoral period of the presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum due on 20 October 2024, according to a CEC’s press release.   

At a today’s meeting, CEC authorized the carrying out of two opinion polls on voters’ electoral likings on the electoral period of the elections for the office of Moldova’s president and the republican constitutional referendum due on 20 October 2024. 

The questioning for the two opinion polls will be made online, for the first opinion poll during 22 July – 13 August 2024, and for the second opinion poll on 13-20 August 2024, each one on an estimated sample of 3,000 respondents. The collection of data will be carried out online, on the platform The opinion polls are ordered and will be conducted by MLD MEDIA Ltd, without costs borne. The first poll is to be published starting from 13 August 2024 and the second one – as of 20 August 2024.      

It is worth mentioning that the applications for the authorization of the opinion polls can be submitted to CEC ten days before the day of the elections at the latest. The information on the opinion polls and exit-polls authorized on the electoral period, as well as the polls authorized by the Commission will be placed on the official webpage of the Central Electoral Commission,, at the sections, Presidential Elections and Republican Constitutional Referendum.       






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