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Moldovan state fiscal service monitors tax payers in sectors with high risk of non-compliance

10:13 | 24.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - The State Fiscal Service (SFS) has carried out actions of monitoring the tax payers on segments of the national economy with high risk of fiscal non-compliance. As a result, the fiscal obligations calculated at the public budget at the concerned economic agents grew by 26 per cent or by 120.6 million lei.    

At the same time, the share of taxes calculated for one leu of sales recorded a 29-per cent increase, which is by 0.0270 lei more against the same period of the year before.  

Also, the average salary registered by the monitored tax payers grew by 36 per cent against the average salary recorded at the beginning of the period of compliance.  

The actions regarded the tax payers who work in such sectors as wholesale and retail trade, HoReCa, processing industry, maintenance and repair of vehicles, driver’s schools, care and health services. The monitorings were carried out on the period 2023-2024.   


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