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Searches in file on rigging of process of getting driver's licences in Moldova. People claimed 1,000 euro

13:23 | 24.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - More driver’s schools from the Chisinau city, Ialoveni and Comrat today were searched by anticorruption officers and prosecutors within files on influence peddling and forgery of public acts. Illicit deeds of intermediaries in the process of getting driver’s licences are investigated in these files.   

According to the National Anticorruption Centre, the suspects would have set working a scheme of rigging the process of issuance of driver’s licences against illicit remunerations.

Thus, intermediaries were saying that they would have influence on members of the examination commission at the sections of registration of transport and qualification of drivers of the Public Services Agency (ASP) and that they can prompt them facilitate the process of taking the theoretical and practical exams. Also, the applicants were provided with medical certificates against payment, with the omitting of the person’s physical presence, as well as certificates on finishing of theoretical and practical courses of driver’s schools. Thus, within the criminal prosecution and investigations undertaken by CNA, law-enforcers found out that sums of 1,000 euros on average had been claimed for the entire process of getting driver’s licences.   

Following searches carried out at the headquarters of driver’s schools, homes and touring cars of the suspects, law-enforcers raised sums of money, the origin of which is to be established, copies of identity papers, with sums of money attached, rough copies and devices for stocking information.   

The actions on the case are carried out under the procedural leadership of prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Chisinau municipality, with the support of internal security subdivisions of the Public Services Agency.  





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