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Moldovan parliament's standing bureau completes agenda of last meetings of strong session

21:26 | 24.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - The agenda of the last parliament meetings of the spring session today was completed at a meeting of the parliament’s standing bureau. The MPs are to consider five drafts with EU’s content.    

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, it is about the Code of Subsoil, the draft law on the contracts on the provision of digital content, the budgetary, fiscal and customs policy for the 2025 year, the legislative initiatives on facilitation of the access of local entrepreneurs to foreign capital markets and on the regime of control of the trade with strategic goods.   

The parliament’s agenda also contains drafts, due to be considered in the second reading, on the extension of the First Home State Programme, the measures of support provided to the residents of the free economic zones, the assessment and accreditation in health, introduction of the notion of femicide in the legislation. Among the documents due to be discussed, there are also the legislative initiatives on the administration of state owned lands, the declaring as public utility of national  interest of the works of construction, rehabilitation, modernization and extension of several national roads, amendments to the Criminal Code and the Contravention Code. Also, two agreements on financing with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development are to be ratified.     

The parliament will also hear the Report for 2023, unveiled by the Central Electoral Commission, on the financing of the political parties and the electoral campaigns. The MPs will consider the initiative on the setting up of the special commission for the identification of measures for overcoming the crisis in the agricultural sector.   

On 25 July, the parliament will convene at a plenary meeting at 10:00.



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