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Three men suspected of trafficking of drugs detained in north Moldova city

12:11 | 25.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The police inform about a capture of drugs worth 200,000 lei in Drochia. Three men suspected of trafficking of drugs have been detained and placed under preventive arrest.   

Officers of the North investigations department of the National Investigations Inspectorate (INI) and prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) carried out 12 searches and raised PVP drugs and marijuana, as well as utensils for consuming drugs, money supposedly coming from drugs’ sale, an illegally owned gun, as well as a hybrid-type car used for carrying drugs.     

One of these three suspects was detained immediately after he had managed to sell drugs. He was stopped on highway by patrol inspectors. The man aged 50 years was with drugs on him, due to be distributed in the Drochia district. Afterwards, the police detained the courier aged 20 years and another accomplice of 43 years.   

At a request by PCCOCS, the three suspects were placed under preventive arrest, according to a ruling by the Balti Court.  


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