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Moldovan parliament speaker conveys message to well-known writer of Moldova on birthday

11:58 | 25.07.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - Writer Vladimir Besleaga has turned 93 years. On this occasion, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu conveyed the writer a congratulatory message, wishing him a long life and much inspiration.    a împlinit 93 de ani.

„The birthday of writer Vladimir Besleaga is marked today; he is a great talent of our nation, a man who during his career proved courage, generosity, simpleness. Congratulations, master, and much, much inspiration!,” Igor Grosu said in the opening of the parliament meeting.  

Vladimir Besleaga was born in the Malaiesti village, eastern Grigoriopol district, on 25 July 1931. In 1955, he graduated from the Moldovan State University (USM) and trained for the doctor’s degree at the same University with the research subject, Liviu Rebreanu, novelist. He worked as editor-in-chief at the Nistru magazine, secretary of the Moldovan Writers’ Union, director of the Dimitrie Cantemir Republican Literature Museum /presently Mihail Kogalniceanu National Literature Museum.     

Besleaga made his editorial debut with a prose volume in 1956. He wrote a lot of novels and signed works of memoir prose, diaries, etc. Manuscripts of many of his novels are preserved in funds of the Mihail Kogalniceanu National Literature Museum.   

Besleaga’s novels are translated in other languages. He translated from works of Longos, Erasm from Rotterdam, etc. He was awarded the State Prize of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (RSSM) (1978). He is People’s Writer (1991). Besleaga was awarded the Order of the Republic (1996, which he challenged). In 1990s, Vladimir Besleaga got involved in the national revival movement and was lawmaker in the first parliament of the independent Moldova.     




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