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GOVERNMENT EDIFIES // Bridge in east Moldova to be opened for movement; repair works enter final phase

11:35 | 25.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The works of repair and remedying the degradations on the highway bridge placed on the public road, G109 Delacau-Bulboaca-R2 km 23.850, have reached a progress of 75 per cent. The bridge is scheduled to be finished till the end of this summer.    

According to the State Administration of Roads (ASD), a string of important works are carried out on the construction site.

The deadline scheduled for finishing the works is late August 2024.  

The works are presently carried out on the left side of the bridge and the road traffic is redirected to the right side. ‘’The repair of this bridge form the Bulboaca settlement will significantly contribute to the improvement of the local road infrastructure, ensuring conditions of safety and comfort for the community and all those who transit this region,’’ the State Administration of Roads added.   





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