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EUROPEAN VILLAGE PROGRAMME: Centralized sewerage network constructed in central Moldova settlement

14:31 | 26.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - Over 800 residents of the Sarata Galbena village, central Hancesti district, benefit from quality sanitation services, after a centralized sewerage network was constructed in the settlement. The works were carried out within the European Village National Programme, with about eight million lei invested.     

Thus, 2.2 km of sewerage networks, a water-purifying station with a daily capacity of 50 cubic metres were built and 92 modern manholes were set.   

The implementation of this project allowed connecting eight public institutions to the centralized sewerage system: kindergarten, art school, community social centre for children from vulnerable families and from the risk group, mayoralty, post office, police station, community centre and church.    

The overall value of the project is of about eight million lei, of which 7.1 million was allocated by Moldova’s government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and the community contributed 900,000 lei.  

According to the commune’s mayor, Mihail Lozovoi, this is the first stage in the construction of the sewerage networks in the settlement. ‘’Our goal is to bring qualitative sanitation services for all those 4,100 residents of the Sarata Galbena commune. In this way, we will improve the people’s living, will provide them with a cleaner, sound environment a better future for the next generations,’’ the mayor said.   

The European Village National Programme, first edition, includes 493 local development projects, of which 154 regard the construction of water and sewerage supply systems.   




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