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Moldova's president wishes success, luck to Moldovan sportspeople participating in Paris Olympic Games

13:14 | 26.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - „Come on, Moldova!”, this is the urge conveyed by President Maia Sandu to the Moldovan sportspeople who participate in the Paris Olympic Games.  

The head of state wished luck to the country’s Olympic contenders and thanked them for the fact that they would represent Moldova at the Olympic Games with dignity, the presidential press service has reported.   

„Their spirit and determination united the entire country and they inspire each of us to believe in our dreams and to work for their fulfilment. Such an attitude creates winners, makes us more resistant, better and more competitive. We should wish them good success and remind them that they came to the Paris Olympic Games as they are already the best of the best!,’’ the Moldovan president said.     






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