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Overall state revenues increase by 8.2 per cent in Moldova

15:46 | 26.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - The overall revenues of the state budget increased by 8.2 per cent in the first six months of this year against the same period of 2023. The revenues grew by over 2.3 billion lei and stood at about 31.3 billion lei.      

According to information unveiled by the Finance Ministry, the collections from revenues managed by the State Fiscal Service amount to 14.4 billion lei and from the ones managed by the Customs Service – 17.7 billion lei.     

The state budget’s expenses amounted to 37.5 billion lei; they increased by 2 per cent or by 749 million lei against the same period of the 2023 year.   

The fulfillment of the state budget in late last May ended with a deficit worth 6.2 billion lei.  



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