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Webometrics// State medical university keeps position of leader among higher education institutions of Moldova

15:52 | 27.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) keeps its position of leader among the higher education institution from Moldova, for the third year in a row, according the Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics).   

According to the Webometrics Report, published in late July 2024, the University is on 263rd position among the universities from the Central and Eastern Europe, on the 1,127th place among the ones on the European continent and on the position 3,665 among those more than 30,000 institutions presented online in the world.   

USMF Nicolae Testemitanu ranks first in Moldova in terms of Excellence, which shows the quality of education and of the scientific articles published by scientific and teaching staff and researchers of the University in international magazines with high impact factor, which are among the first 10 per cent most cited at 27 disciplines, according to data 2029-2023 (Scimago), At the same time, in the last months, USMF Nicolae Testemitanu advanced globally by 200 positions in terms of Impact (Visibility),’’ the ranking shows.     

As for the Transparency, the University is on the second position nationally according to the number of citings of the publications of authors in the Google Scholar profiles. The University records a 21-9,per cent increase in the number of citings in Google Scholar, from 38,953 citings (in July 2023) to 48,888 (in July 2024). The data is published on the official site of the international ranking, Webometrics “Transparent Ranking” (   

„This result shows that we have a strong and competitive human scientific potential. In continuation, we recommend that the scientific and teaching staff, students training for doctor’s degree and researchers create and manage the profile  of researcher on Google Scholar, published in open access, including in the institutional repository, promote their works, monitor the impact of the scientific productivity, as well as of the quotings of publications, look at who cite their works, participate in inter-disciplinary researches and build relations with other researches, turn to account opportunities of publications, scholarships and research probations, etc. All these contribute to the enhancement of the visibility and scientific performance of the researcher, as well as to the maintaining of the ascendant tendency of the University,’’ USMF Rector Emil Ceban said.   

The USMF Nicolae Testemitanu has been in the position of leader in Moldova in the Webometrics ranking since July 2022.  

Launched by the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC in 2004, the Ranking Web of Universities is a system of classification for the universities from all over the world, the goal of which is to motivate both the institutions and researchers to constantly and fairly promote online their activities in the field. The main objective of the Webometrics ranking is to promote the open access to the knowledge generated by the higher education institutions. The best strategy to improve the position in the ranking is to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the web content. This is most ample academic ranking of the higher education institutions, which provides an independent, objective, free of charge and open scientific exercise for the providing of reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of the universities from all over the world.   

Ranking Web of Universities is published twice per year and presently analyzes 31,000 higher education institutions from over 200 countries.  





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