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Grief Train exhibition ends with screening of film, Siberia in Bones, in Moldova

12:43 | 27.07.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 27 July /MOLDPRES/ - The film titled, „Siberia din oase” (Siberia in Bones), directed by Leontina Vatamanu, will be screened nearby the exhibition Grief Train, staged on the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN), today at 20:30. This is also the last week-end when the exhibition can be visited.    

The film is a production of the OWH Studio and includes confessions by four protagonists, who were forcibly sent to Siberia on the night of 6 to 7 July 1949.   

The Grief Train exhibition is at its second edition and this year, it is presented in a new format, with digital and graphic elements, multimedia content, objects, photos and stories from lives of deported families. Also, a library of books about the tragic events is set in the two railway carriages and visitors can find the names of the deported relatives in the Memory Book.     

The 75th anniversary of the Stalinist deportations from 1949 is marked this year. This was the amplest deportation from the present territory of Moldova, in the wake of which 36,000 people or over 11,000 families were hit. The houses, lands and assets of the deported peasants were delivered to the collective farms and some of them were stolen and sold. As many as 3,071 trucks and 1,736 railway carriages were mobilized for the carrying out of the operation.    







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