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Earth Overshoot Day // Moldova's Environment Agency calls on citizens to actively get involved in protection, conservation of natural resources

17:31 | 28.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/ - „Act now for a sustainable future’’ is the title of this year of the Earth Overshoot Day, marked on 28 July – a crucial moment which highlights the alarming pace in which the planet’s natural resources are consumed. This day symbolizes the moment of the year when the mankind’s requirements for the natural resources exceed the Earth’s capacity to generate them sustainably.   

Conform Global Footprint Network, this date has come increasingly earlier in the last years, showing the quick growth of the consumption of resources and of the pressure on the ecosystems. ‘’If we continue this tendency, the impact on the environment will be irreversible, seriously affecting the biodiversity, climate and vital resources of the planet,’’ the quoted source said.    

The Environment Agency calls on all citizens of the country’s society to actively get involved in the protection and conservation of the natural resources. ‘’Each of us has an essential role in this global effort. These are just some essential measures which we can adopt, in order to reduce the overshoot of the Earth: cutting the consumption of energy; implementation of energy efficiency measures and promotion of renewable energy sources; responsible consumption; choosing sustainable products and reduction of the food squandering; donation of surplus of food products; protection of biodiversity; conservation of  the natural habitats and backing initiatives of afforestation; adoption of a sustainable lifestyle; choosing the public transport, bicycle or moving by foot instead of moving by personal vehicle; reduction of the use of plastic through the use of reusable bags, recyclable water bottles and recipients; responsible consumption; purchasing of sustainable and qualitative products instead of disposable ones; repair and reuse of objects instead of their replacement,’’  the Environment Agency said.          

The Earth Overshoot Day must be a moment of reflection and action. It is essential that we understand that the planet’s resources finish and that their protection is our common responsibility, in order to ensure a sustainable future for the next generations, ecologists also said.  



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