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Moldovan president conveys message on Constitution Day

11:15 | 29.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - The 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution, which laid the foundations of the work of the state and of the citizens’ living together, is marked today. On this occasion, President Maia Sandu stressed that, three decades ago, the Moldovans had ruled to edify together a country in which the people live freely, a state in which the rights of all citizens are observed and they can ensure the well-being and fulfill their aspirations through honest work, the presidential press service reported.     

„Despite the challenges of the last years, we continue to edify a state for people in Moldova,’’ the head of state emphasized.

The Moldovan president also said that the rights and obligations of the citizens in Moldova reminded about the fact that the country was part of a community in which the good of each person depends on the common good.   

„These teach us that it is important that we respect each other, if we want to live in peace and good understanding. We should know and observe the Constitution, appreciating the opportunity to be free and equal before the law. This is our social contract – is the handshake which inspires us to edify a better common future for the next generations of Moldovans,’’ President Maia Sandu added.      



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