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President of Romanian Senate's committee for legal matters says European states united for firm support for Moldova

14:05 | 29.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - The celebration of the Constitution’s adoption is an event of great importance for any nation willing to fulfill its ideal of living in democracy, as sovereign and equal state in the great family of the world’s nations. The president of the Romania’s Senate’s Committee for Legal Matters Appointments, Discipline, Immunities, and Validations, Cristian-Augustin Niculescu-Țâgârlaș, made statements to this effect at the today’s solemn meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution’s adoption.  

„The Republic of Moldova, through its legitimately elected parliament, confirmed this truth back on 27 August 1991, the date when the Declaration of Independence was adopted – fundamental document, through which it reaffirmed the wish to live in conditions of rule of law state along with the nations of the world. And on 29 July 1994, the country’s Constitution was adopted, which mentions the century-old aspirations of the people to live in a sovereign country, the aspirations to meet the citizens’ interests. The Constitution is the document which expresses the aspiration towards the setting up of the rule of law state, considering the civic peace, person’s dignity, his/her rights and freedoms, the free development of the human personality, the justice and the political pluralism as being supreme values, reaffirms the devotion of the lawmakers, in their capacity of plenipotentiary representatives of Moldova’s people, for the generally human values, the wish to live in peace and good understanding with all nations of the world, according to the unanimously recognized principles and norms of the international law,’’  the Romanian senator said.         

Also, Cristian-Augustin Niculescu-Țâgârlaș noted that ‘’in my capacity of senator of Romania and president of committee, I am your sincere and dedicated friend. I can say that the European states are united in a firm support for Moldova. Romania and the Romanians are firmly resolute to support you in the important and legitimate approach of European integration, through our position and experience of 17 years, acquired as member country of the European Union, as well as in its capacity of NATO member country, with the fact known that Moldova backs the cooperation with the North-Atlantic Alliance.’’     

The senator of Romania also said that ‘’he has every confidence that the relations between our countries will continue in a mutually advantageous way.’’ ‘’I want to say you a simple and direct message from the bottom of the heart: Each time when I come to Chisinau I feel as at home, as I feel here, in continuation, the blood of my ancestors, those who founded the state in Moldova, of Dragos and Bogdan,’’ Cristian-Augustin Niculescu-Țâgârlaș also said.    

The Day of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution is annually marked on 29 July. The parliament adopted Fundamental Law on 29 July 1994 and the document entered into force on 27 August 1994. Moldova’s parliament today convened at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. The meeting brought together present and former MPs, former Moldovan presidents and parliament speakers, former presidents of the Constitutional Court, members of the Commission and the working group for the elaboration of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution, who directly got involved in the working out of the state’s Fundamental Law.   



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